Fumados Douro, Comercialização de Carnes S.A. is located in Lugar de Travanca, Armamar. It works on the food business, dedicated to the processing and marketing of meat (pork, beef, goat and sheep) as well as the provision of services in the slaughter of pigs, sheep and goats. It has a covered area of 11.000 m2 and 40.000 m2 of surrounding area.
The facilities consist of an area of slaughter with slaughter capacity of 1000 animals / day (sheep / goats / pigs), licensed since 1998. The processing area has a big production (processed / fresh pork / fresh beef). It also has a wastewater treatment plant where the wastes from its operations are treated. Formed in 1996 by employees of a company in the same industry (meat processing and marketing), also headquartered in Lugar de Travanca, Armamar, Fumados Douro began in 1997 a remodeling process of the slaughterhouse.
From 1997 to 2002 the company maintained its production activity in order to increase their production capacity. In 2002, there was a change in the shareholder structure of the company. It has also begun a process of remodeling justified by the need for growth against an increasingly competitive market. In 2003, with much of the remodeling completed, the company was able to take on the aims that guided its modernization.
Guided by its expansion and development purposes, Fumados Douro SA applied, in 2007, for a new investment project in order to increase the competitiveness of the company, namely the PRODER Program, Line "Business Innovation and Development". The proposed project, which included the "Modernization of slaughterhouse and meat processing," resulted in the creation of a new slaughter line and storage and production areas and in the marked increase in the total area of the company.
This investment aimed to increase production and responsiveness of the company in time and quantity. Currently the company is one of the largest food companies in the whole district of Viseu and the largest employer in the county of Armamar. Fumados SA works directly or indirectly with approximately 1000 enterprises and sole proprietors and employs about 100 people.