queijaria lacticínios do paiva lamego, nosso parceiro/our partners
Lacticinios do Paiva mission is to strengthen the image of prestigequality and safety, consolidated by the recognition of the public added value of our products, allowing us to solidify and strengthen our position in the domestic market as well as in other international markets. |
QualityCERTIFICATION Lacticínios do Paiva S.A, have it’s own Food Safety Management System certified in accordance with ISO 22000:2005. ENVIRONMENT In terms of environmental management the key challenge is to ensure that natural resources needed for our activities are well used and that their capacity for regeneration is not compromised. FOOD SAFETY POLICY Lacticínios do Paiva S.A., develops actions that ensures compliance with the requirements and expectations of its clients, with which keeps a close and transparent relation. For that so the Company defined and implemented the Food Safety Policy, which is based on the following commitments: |